

This was a picture of a construction site in downtown Brooklyn across the street from the Barclays Center. I the wood on the wall really stood out because of the colors and it looked rigid and rough. Then from a far you can see the actual construction going on in the background behind the stained glass.

Nostalgic Aura



This house immediately caught my eye, but is wasn’t the house, it was the light post in the front yard the reeled me in. It felt like there was a luminous glow around it and I just had to take the picture. It is also unique, at least in my area being that this is the only light of this kind around. It brings me feelings of nostalgia in the fact that it looks vintage/old school, walk down the street of a horror movie type of feel. There is an eerie vibe.This inanimate object made this picture and without out it there I would have just keep walking.

Filo Hannibal


Lets begin with the title. When I first seen this view from my eyes what caught my attention was the barbed wire, I instantly thought of Hannibal the serial killer. Filo is wire in  Italian. Back to the photo. Their is two layers to this photo that compliment each other, the left and right side. The left side of the photo shows a barbed wire gate with a home behind it. The right side shows the rest of that block, the houses, cars and street lights. The attention grabber would probably be the  gleaming street light that seems to light up everything in this photo amber, that is the compliment I was talking about. Urban photography is so dope.

Further Light

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Three separate light in the casino.  These are regular light but what drew me to take these pictures was the design of the lights and the angle that I took them from. I kept in mind the rule of thirds when taking these pictures being that there is a lot of white space. For example, the second photo, I made sure the light was in the upper right corner because it would be bland just sitting in the middle. Being in that position create an atmosphere around the white space because of the shadow from the light. You see the bright circle around the light and the dark shadows that follows.  Everything plays a role from the light to the lines in the wall.

In the first picture, there is a lot going on for such a straight forward photo. Three things abstraction, angle of view and light and shadow. I took this picture from the bottom of the light to give of the light and shadow. I had to take this picture at the right time to show the dark areas because the actual area was bright, but when I focused it made the  surrounding area dark. The abstraction does not come from the picture itself but the mind behind the person taking it,me. If you look closely at the lines in the light it looks like a human like figure. To me, its like a spiritual type of figure.



View from the train station platform. I think this view point creates an interesting dynamic to this landscape.  That dynamic is the the guard rails, I feel that they add more depth to this picture. There is not one main object in this picture, you have the train rail/tracks, the broken building, the elegant graffiti riddled building next to it and you have the  surrounding  area.

Single Light Pole


While at the casino, I was looking out of the window and seen this. It instantly hit me. As a graphic designer, this picture signifies what I try to accomplish in my designs, attractive simplicity. The  subtle  background add more of an  emphasis on the foreground. In regards to light and shadow, the lamp is the primary object but what makes this photo stand out is the shadow from the unseen light pole.  The shadow being cast from the unseen pole onto the bottom of the visible adds another dimension to the picture.

Piece of Mind